Ballots Can Be Rejected
The security features of the Mail-in Ballot can confuse voters, causing them to make mistakes that invalidate their vote. Learn how to avoid these mistakes.
Top Reasons for Rejection
Why didn't the Ballot Cure Act eliminate rejections due to "Signature Does Not Match?"
We still have too many ballot rejections due to signature mismatch and signature missing. In both instances, under the law, voters would be allowed to provide an updated signature and get their ballots counted. Many voters declined to return their Cure Forms believing that it didn’t matter because the election was already over. However, these same voters may have future Mail-in ballots rejected because they failed to provide an updated signature to use for signature comparison in future elections. If you receive a Cure Form, be sure to return the form with your updated signature.

Codes for Rejection
BNE — Ballot Not Enclosed
BAP — Ballot Received After Deadline
BNS — Bearer Book Not Signed In
BEL — Bearer Exceeded Limit
BEU — Both Envelopes Unsealed
CPA — Candidate Provided Assistance
CMS — Certificate Missing
CNS — Certificate Not Signed
IAP — Incomplete Assistor Portion
IBP — Incomplete Bearer Portion
MEL — Mail Bearer Exceeded Limit
MOC — Moved Out of County
OEU — One Envelope Unsealed
O — Other
PPP — Party Privilege after the Primary Election
POA — Power of Attorney
PVP — Primary-Voted Both Parties
SNM — Signature Does Not Match
VWP — Voted in Wrong Party
VIM — Voter Registration ID Missing
IVS — Ineligible Voter Status
N/A — Not Available
Three things voters can do to prevent ballot rejection:
- Return mail-in ballots before the deadline. The deadline is on Election Day, no later than 8pm. With ballots being sent out on a rolling basis starting 45 days prior to Election Day, voters can vote and return their ballots as soon as possible. There’s no need to wait until Election Day to return the ballot.
- DO NOT tear off the Certificate of Mail-in Ballot. The certificate is required to stay attached and there are explicit warnings of “DO NOT DETACH” yet voters inexplicably tear them off.
- Sign the Certificate of Mail-in Ballot. This is a security measure. If there’s no signature, voters will be sent a cure letter and “Cure Form” to rectify this and attest that it’s their ballot. Return your Cure Form so that your County Board of Elections can have your updated signature on file to prevent future ballot rejections due to signatures not matching.